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About Me

I am an educational researcher who is passionate about improving the lives of teachers through my teaching and scholarship. Teachers are the most influential school-based factor on student outcomes and so the study of what enables teachers to thrive in their roles, and the preparation of future teachers who have the skills they need to succeed, are crucial. My research explores how teachers’ preparation and career experiences interact with their characteristics and the broader context in which they teach to contribute to their effectiveness. I am especially interested in teachers’ well-being and adaptive characteristics and how these factors evolve throughout the teaching career. Through my research I seek to inform educational policies, products, and systems of support that can improve the experiences of teachers and their students on a large scale. I also apply core principles of my research to my teaching and mentoring of pre-service educators, undergraduate students, and graduate students. In my teaching and mentoring I seek to support the development of not only pedagogical and content knowledge, but of resilience and positive well-being skills that will serve my students as they contribute to the field of education.

Areas of Expertise

Teacher Well-Being/Emotions/Beliefs; Classroom Observation; Teacher/Classroom Quality; Teacher Instructional Practices; STEM Teaching and Learning; Teacher Preparation; Education Policy; Quantitative, Mixed-Methods, & Longitudinal Research Methods; Student & Teacher Assessment; Elementary Education

Technical Skills

Research Project Management; Advanced Statistical Analysis (Multilevel Modeling, Psychometrics, Structural Equation Modeling, Multiple Regression, Longitudinal Analysis); Data Management; Grant Writing; Measure Development & Adaptation; Program Evaluation; Communication of Research via Publications & Presentations; Undergraduate & Graduate Teaching and Mentorship