Below please find information about the various measures, professional development programs, and trainings I have been involved in creating:

  • The Teacher Feedback Coding System (TFCS) & The Teacher Affect Coding System (TACS)

    Measure Description: The TFCS is an observational measure meant to be applied to video observations of classroom instruction. This is a student-level measure, meaning that any time a student of focus experiences a codable event (receives feedback from the teacher), that event is coded across multiple dimensions. The TFCS captures the following elements of each observed feedback event: feedback type (academic vs. behavioral), feedback specificity (correction vs. elaboration), and teacher affect during feedback (positive vs. neutral vs. negative). The TACS is a measure of teacher affect adapted from the TFCS, also meant to be applied to video observations. The TACS is a teacher/classroom level measure, and teacher affect is evaluated for every 5-minute segment of an observation. The TACS goes more in-depth in describing and categorizing teacher affect compared to the TFCS, and is meant for research and evaluation of teacher emotions and emotional expression.

    Measure Citation: McLean, L., & Connor, C. M. (2017). Relations between Third Grade Teachers’ Depressive Symptoms and their Feedback to Students, with Implications for Student Mathematics Achievement. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(2), 272.

    Measure Availability: These measures are available for use by researchers and practitioners with the permission of measure developers. Please use the “Contact Me” button to request permission.

  • The Professional Weight Bias (PWB) Scale

    Measure Description: The PWB was developed in partnership with co-Investigators at St. Johns Riverside Hospital in New York, as part of the Physician Weight Bias Project on which I served as a methods and psychometrics consultant. We looked to industrial/organizational psychology and bias literature to create a measure which would capture physician’s willingness to collaborate with, hire, refer patients to colleagues based on their perceived weight (normal-weight vs. overweight). This is a straightforward self-report measure using a likert scale.

    Measure Citation: McLean, M. E., McLean, L. E., McLean-Holden, A. C., Campbell, L., Horner, A., Kulkarni, M. L., Melville, L., Fernandez, E. A. (in press). Inter-Physician Weight Bias: A Cross-Sectional Observational Survey Study to Guide Implicit Bias Training in the Medical Workplace. Academic Emergency Medicine.

    Measure Availability: This measure is available for use by researchers and practitioners with the permission of measure developers. Please use the “Contact Me” button to request permission.

  • Creating Connected Classrooms (C3) Professional Development Course

    Course Description: C3 is an online, independent study professional development course developed in partnership with ASU’s School of Social and Family Dynamics and ASU’s EdPlus. This course is for early childhood and elementary educators and is focused on embedding social/emotional learning within academic instruction. This course has been approved to count towards Continuing Education credits for practicing teachers. It consists of five modules on topics including promoting positive peer interactions, teaching and engaging in effective communication, and providing feedback on peer interactions.

    Development Team: Dr. Manuela Jimenez (Arizona State University), Dr. Michelle Taylor (California State University Long Beach), Dr. Leigh McLean (Arizona State University), Dr. Brittney Alexander (Arizona State University).

    Course Availability: This course is available for purchase through ASU’s EdPlus. Please indicate interest using the “Contact Me” button and I will connect you to course managers at EdPlus.

  • The Teachers' Intentionality of Practice (TIPS) Scale Online Training Course

    Course Description: The TIPS is an observational measure of teachers’ instructional quality created by Dr. Jeff Marshall and colleagues at Clemson University. I have used this measure in my work observing elementary school classrooms, and identified a need for structured training materials that could orient a team of observers to the measure and aid in reaching inter-rater reliability. My colleagues and I created a 7-module online training course to be applied using Canvas that includes narrated powerpoint presentations, exemplar videos from my own collection of classroom observations, and tests of inter-rater reliability for coding teams.

    Development Team: Dr. Leigh McLean (Arizona State University), Mr. Paul Espinoza (Arizona State University)

    Course Availability: This course is not currently available for outside use as it contains confidential videos.